SOLD:200 Drums Dexron II - D ATF available for Sale

SOLD:200 Drums Dexron II - D ATF available for Sale

We have drums of High quality Automatic Transmission Fluid used in Boats and other Marine Vessels, Paper Mills, product lines in factories and other industrial machinery.


We are selling this at a discount off market price so this is an awesome deal for any end user to stock for the future!


We can make deliveries anywhere in Nigeria and also outside the country if required.


Country of Origin: United Arab Emirates

Current Location: Port Harcourt, Nigeria.


​You can order for one drum or for all 200 (and more)​


​We are paying commissions on every successful sale so please forward to any of your contacts you know can close a deal on these​


​You can call 08099889889 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to request a quotation or more information and for your other procurement needs.

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